
  • "The first time I attend the Hebrew Kirtan I already feel the full presence from Lisa, her big smile, attentiveness , tears from heart, all move me to surrender to the flow of love chanting. With my heart opening, it's so easy to sing or simply voice along with confidence and authenticity. Thank you Lisa for holding space for us to open our heart as one."

    Yuen Shing Lam (Lam)

  • "In the preparation for our marriage as well as the wedding ceremony itself, Lisa was remarkably present, perceptive and imaginative as our spiritual guide. She made us both feel comfortable throughout the process, and we left our conversations feeling enlightened, as Lisa artfully allowed a structure for our ceremony to emerge organically, based on the needs and possibilities she gracefully and patiently elicited from us. As she presided over a unique yet tradition-honoring ceremony that felt true to us, Lisa's soulful singing and genuine, welcoming presence as our officiant were universally appreciated and admired by our guests. We could not recommend Lisa more highly!"

    Rachel and Andrew

  • "Lisa's kirtan class has been my first exposure to intentional sound making and the Hebrew language. To experience the richness of these forms of expression through her lens has been a precious gift that has ignited a previously unannounced love within and a unified connection with source. Thank you for all that you do."

    Sky Gerlowski

  • Lisa Friedland voice and music are uniquely soulful and deeply moving.

    Deborah Kruger, Environmental Artist, Chapala, Mexico

Kind words about my music:

“Sound of ascension”

“Spiritual nourishment”



“Voice of Spirit”